Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Canine Dictionary - Part 1

While I was researching a word with my trusty dictionary (look Ma, I can read!), I realized "human" definitions were not always à propos for our pups. So, in keeping with the spirit of this modest yet absurd blog, I present to you a dictionary more befitting our furry companions.

*drum roll*


SMUG: adjective; Facial clue indicating undiscovered intentional mischief which will most undoubtedly be unpleasant in nature for humans. (Demonstrated by Sammie Poochon)

"Oh yeah, sure, the TP roll is doing just fine... *snicker*"

GLOWER: noun; Often successful occular device employed by canines to manipulate or influence their humans in order to obtain any and every earthly thing. (Demonstrated by Lord Pippin)

"Come on, don't you want the best for me? Now, move over, the king-sized bed is mine..."

INNOCENCE: noun; Implied and most often fictitious state demonstrated by wide-eyed and blank stares, used as a defense mechanism once a disaster has been uncovered. (Illustrated by Cokenee)

"Nope, I didn't do it. See how big my eyes are? Are you buying it yet? Maybe if I prop by eyelids open with toothpicks..."

Ahhhh, don't we all feel a little smarter? Me neither... ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today is Adopt the Internet Day! Let's all make a pledge to help homeless pets and rescue animals everywhere. Together, we can all make a huge difference!

Petfinder Adopt-the-Internet Day

Sunday, March 6, 2011


When I think of magic, I picture one of two things: either white-bearded mages brandishing wands, wearing colorful robes and chanting incantations in strange dialects or really flashy Vegas-style performers with big-budget productions and plenty of theatrics (not to mention inflated egos).

However, I rarely imagine... this. Angus is none too pleased with doning the stereotypical wizard uniform and seems to be about to cast the evil eye on us.

"Double, double toil & trouble,
take the hat off or morph into a mussel!"

I wonder if Houdini ever had to endure this...

Who Nose?

Growing up, I remember my mother telling me "Stop making a face, or it'll stay stuck that way." I always figured that was a lot of malarkey dispensed to prevent me from looking ludicrous... until I saw what happened to Lulu.

She obviously did not heed the advice her mama gave her. She tried to lap her own nose one time too many and the unimaginable (and inevitable) happened.

"Don'ph jufff stannn thewe, gefff me a cwowbaww!"

Mama don't preach, I'm in trouble deep...